Blog 3

 Week 5 

In week 5 of  ICPD, we were taught on manual sketching and CAD in the tutorial.

We did some warm-up. before learning to sketch in 2 types of perspective, one-point perspective and two-point perspective.


In the warm-up, we begin by drawing straight lines, followed by circles before ending with some ellipse,

A key thing I learnt in sketching is to use the whole hand, instead of only the wrist

One-point perspective:

The key takeaway for One-point perspective is that there is one vanishing point

Two-point perspective:
The main difference between One-point and Two-point perspective is that while One-point perspective have one vanishing point, Two-point perspective have two.

After that, we learn to do CAD Drawing with Autodesk Fusion 360, where we make a photo frame
After that, we made a Key-Ring Tag at home

Practical 2: Cardboard Joinery

In practical 2 of ICPD, we are tasked to make an object using cardboard joinery, my groupmate wanted to do a house, but after being told that making a house wont score them much mark, they tried to outsmart the teacher by making a tree house instead, which I seriously doubt would work as a tree house is essentially a house, but after much subtle warning, I gave in to them and help them create their C grade tree HOUSE. Below are the pictures of the practical

Marking of dimensions

cutting base on dimensions marked
Me making Flange

Tab for the slot+tab

making the slot for slot+tab


L brace
wall of the HOUSE

roof of the HOUSE
giving the HOUSE propellers to disguise it to be not a HOUSE


Final Product: The TreeHOUSE with red propellers

Overall, we could have done better by making better use of the joineries and be less reliant on GLUE, and maybe, just maybe, make something else that is not a house, but alas, in the world of democracy, when the majority vote to make a HOUSE, then we shall make a house.